Hoon LeeOrphans, Demons, and a Mother who Stands In-Between: Monstrous Motherhood in the Anime The Promised…Motherhood is of the highest order. A mother can offer love and nurture to her children that none other would suffice. This intimacy with…Jun 27, 20236Jun 27, 20236
Hoon LeeWhat is Moral Objectivity?In this video, I go over what moral objectivity is and some arguments for its validity. Let me know what you think!Dec 20, 20222Dec 20, 20222
Hoon LeeThe English (TV Series) and the Non-Identity ProblemAmazon has recently released a Western mini-series, The English, starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer. The series unravels an…Dec 12, 2022Dec 12, 2022
Hoon LeeLuther and the Plague: The Ethics of Living in a PandemicAs we enter the third year of the global pandemic, I’ve been thinking about the ongoing moral concerns and obligations of living under such…Jan 25, 20221Jan 25, 20221
Hoon LeeRethinking Michael D. Bayles’ Classic Definition of a Professional: Ethics in the 21st CenturyMichael Bayles’ 1981 definition of a profession is over 40 years old, yet it still holds as the classic understanding of a professional…Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Hoon LeeUtilitarianism in Five PointsThere are of course many resources on utilitarianism. Some of my favorites can be found here and here. Rather than a comprehensive…Feb 1, 20222Feb 1, 20222
Hoon LeeEvangelicals and Putin: The Seduction of Conservative MoralityThis morning, I heard an incessant barrage of honking. As the noise got closer, I realized that this wasn’t typical morning road rage but…Feb 27, 20225Feb 27, 20225
Hoon LeeAre You a Hedgehog?: Schopenhauer, Super Robots, and Human IntimacyHave you ever seen a hedgehog? I’m not talking about Sonic, the speedy blue guy. I’m referring to the spiny little mammal of the…Feb 8, 20221Feb 8, 20221
Hoon LeePainting Hamann: Bayer’s “Reason Is Language, Logos.”Herbert Bayer, “Reason Is Language, Logos.” -Johann Georg HamannFeb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Hoon LeeKant’s Categorical ImperativeIf you’ve ever spent time reading Immanuel Kant, you will know that he likes his philosophical terminology. In fact, what he is probably…Feb 24, 20223Feb 24, 20223
Hoon LeeSocrates, Hamann, and Kant: Socratic Ignorance and Reason1759 was a significant year for Johann Georg Hamann. After a dissolved engagement, Hamann moved back to Königsberg to take care of his…Mar 3, 20221Mar 3, 20221
Hoon LeeHamann on Kant: The Metacritique of the CritiqueJohann Georg Hamann’s coining of the term metacritique began with Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (1781). As Hamann arranged for…Mar 8, 2022Mar 8, 2022
Hoon LeeWhat is Enlightenment?: Hamann and KantIn the December issue of the Berlinische Monatsschrift, Johann Friedrich Zöllner pondered the nature of the enlightenment. While this…Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Hoon LeeWhat is Philosophy?Ever wonder what philosophy actually entails? We all know the word, but what exactly is philosophy? In this video, I explain the basics of…Mar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
Hoon LeeVirtue Ethics: What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be?What kind of person do you want to be? That might sound like an odd question. One might ask, what do you want to be when you grow up? In…Mar 22, 20224Mar 22, 20224
Hoon LeeWhat is a Moral Agent?In this video, I go over what a moral agent is. We must keep in mind that a moral agent is not addressing the moral goodness of a person…Mar 31, 20222Mar 31, 20222